Smart Decline vs. Smart Growth
CHRON‧I‧CLE [kron-i-kuhl]; to recount, relate, report. I-DE-A [ahy-dee-uh]; a thought, conception, or notion an impression; an opinion, view, or belief; an intention; a concept developed by the mind.
Posted by Neil Abercrombie at 4:06 PM 0 comments
The Census Bureau just released their 2007 Statistical Abstract. The abstract contains over 1,300 tables creating a fascinating portrait of what Americans look like (fascinating to those who love data and tables). Here are some interesting results from the Census Bureau data:
Posted by Neil Abercrombie at 9:35 AM 0 comments
According to a recent article in the Deseret News, written by Tad Walch (
These statistics illustrate the challenges that many cities and towns are faced with. Can cities better address these challenges during good economic times? Definitely. But does that mean cities and towns are flush with cash? Definitely not.
Posted by Neil Abercrombie at 3:00 PM 2 comments